
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2023 )

( 2022 )

( 2021 )

( 2020 )


匹配条件: “ Suos Prem Prey” ,找到相关结果约719条。
Does Hyponatremia have a Value in the Diagnosis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV-1 Infected Patients in Cambodia?
Lut Lynen, Sok Phan, Suos Prem Prey, Thai Sopheak, Joseph Harwell, Marleen Boelaert, Olivier Koole, Robert Colebunders
The Open Infectious Diseases Journal , 2007, DOI: 10.2174/1874279300701010001]
Abstract: Hyponatremia is a frequent finding in hospitalised HIV-patients. The diagnosis of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is difficult in resource-limited settings, causing delays in treatment. In this cross-sectional study based on hospital chart review in a charity hospital in Cambodia we found that hyponatremia (serum sodium < 134 meq/L) was significantly associated with a diagnosis of EPTB in HIV-positive adults. Our findings suggest that hyponatremia in patients with advanced stage of HIV disease should trigger a diagnostic work-up for EPTB.
Different Takes: Migrant World Television and Multiculturalism in South Korea
Robert Prey
Global Media Journal : Canadian Edition , 2011,
Abstract: The geography of multiculturalism has expanded beyond western settler societies and post-colonial Europe, the traditional focus of most research on the topic. South Korea, once one of the most ethnically homogenous nations in the world, has recently adopted multiculturalism as official policy in order to manage a still small but rapidly growing population of foreigners. While real and substantial steps have been taken, this paper focuses on the tensions and contradictions that exist by examining the emergence of a unique experiment in multi-ethnic media called Migrant World Television (MWTV). MWTV’s origins in the militant migrant worker movement and its development into one of the most vocal grassroots organizations involved in defining the meaning of multiculturalism in South Korea are detailed through a description of its programs and activism. Yet, as the South Korean government works to align its institutions with the reality of a more heterogeneous society, it continues to marginalize model organizations such as MWTV. This paper reveals a more dynamic, everyday form of multiculturalism that has taken root as different ethnic groups come together to practice multiculturalism by deciding what counts as news and entertainment for (im)migrants in South Korea.
Nothing personal: algorithmic individuation on music streaming platforms
Robert Prey
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0163443717745147
Abstract: Raymond Williams once wrote, ‘… there are in fact no masses, but only ways of seeing people as masses’. In an age of personalized media, the word ‘masses’ seems like an anachronism. Nevertheless, if Williams were to study contemporary online platforms, he would no doubt conclude that there are in fact no individuals, but only ways of seeing people as individuals. This article explores this idea by taking a closer look at online music streaming services. It first conducts a comparison of how two leading streaming platforms conceive of the individual music listener. Then, drawing from Gilbert Simondon’s theory of individuation, it demonstrates how ways of seeing the individual work to enact the individual on these platforms. In particular, ways of seeing are heavily influenced by the consumer categories that are defined and demanded by advertisers. This article concludes with an examination of how commercial imperatives shape ‘ways of seeing’ and ‘algorithmic individuation’ on music streaming platforms
Jaarcijfers van Suriname VI
L.C. Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1939,
Jaarcijfers van Suriname XII
L.C. Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1940,
Jaarcijfers van Suriname X
L.C. Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1940,
Jaarcijfers van Suriname
L.C. Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1940,
Het vliegveld Paramaribo
L.C. Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1939,
Jaarcijfers van Suriname IX
L.C. Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1940,
Jaarcijfers van Suriname VII
L.C Prey
Nieuwe West-Indische Gids , 1939,

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